Elle Macpherson Courageous Decision: Taking the Holistic Path in Breast Cancer Treatment

When life challenged Elle Macpherson with breast cancer, she decided to take an unconventional route that defied many people’s expectations. The Australian supermodel, who rose to fame in the 1980s, made a decision that astonished her doctors: She refused chemotherapy and instead took a holistic approach. Seven years later, Macpherson shares her story of remission achieved without the aid of traditional cancer treatments.

Elle Macpherson


A Diagnosis That Changed Everything  For Elle Macpherson

Seven years ago, Elle Macpherson received the news no one wanted to hear. After a lumpectomy, she was diagnosed with HER2-positive estrogen receptor-positive intraductal carcinoma — a specific type of breast cancer. The medical advice was immediate and aggressive: have a mastectomy, followed by radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and breast reconstruction.

But Elle Macpherson, who was in a relationship with Andrew Wakefield, known for his controversial stance on vaccines at the time, chose a different path. Trusting her instincts, she decided to focus on a holistic lifestyle to fight the disease.


Choosing an alternative path

For eight months, Elle Macpherson relocated to a rental home in Phoenix, Arizona. But she wasn’t there to relax. Instead, she built a wellness team like no other: a primary care physician who specialized in naturopathy, a holistic dentist, an osteopath, a chiropractor and two therapists. This eclectic team became her allies in her fight against cancer.

Reflecting on her journey, Elle Macpherson admitted, “It was a shock, it was unexpected, it was confusing, it was challenging in many ways and it gave me the opportunity to really dig deep within myself to find a solution that worked for me.” For her, that solution meant rejecting conventional treatments and embracing alternatives – a choice she considers the most difficult one she has ever made.



Today’s Health: “Full health” in her words

Now, Elle Macpherson proudly says she is clinically cured, describing her condition as “full health”. While her sons, Flynn and Cy, and her former partner Arpad “Arky” Busson have had varying reactions to her unconventional approach, McPherson stands by her decision.

However, it is important to remember that Elle Macpherson story is her own, not a template for others to follow. Organisations such as Cancer Research UK emphasise that conventional treatments – such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy – are scientifically proven ways to treat cancer. They also warn that while some complementary therapies can help improve health, others can be harmful or interfere with standard treatments.


The Wakefield Connection: A Complicated History

Another layer to this complex narrative is Elle Macpherson’s past connection to Andrew Wakefield. Known for his infamous study linking the MMR vaccine to autism — a study that led to a significant drop in vaccination rates — Wakefield’s influence on Macpherson during her cancer battle is remarkable.


 No. Key Point Description
 1. Elle’s Bold Move Elle Macpherson chose a holistic path over conventional breast cancer treatments.
 2. A Shocking Diagnosis Diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer, doctors recommended aggressive treatment.
 3. Trusting Her Instincts Instead of chemotherapy, Elle focused on alternative therapies that felt right for her.
 4. Building a Unique Team She gathered a wellness team of naturopaths, a holistic dentist, and therapists to support her   journey.
 5. A Personal Challenge Elle faced confusion and uncertainty but remained determined to find her own solution.
 6. Living in Remission Today, Elle proudly shares that she is in remission, calling it “full health.”
 7. Family Reactions Her sons and former partner had mixed feelings about her unconventional approach.
 8. A Cautionary Note Experts remind us that while Elle’s path worked for her, it’s not for everyone.
 9. Wakefield’s Influence Her relationship with controversial figure Andrew Wakefield adds complexity to her story.
 10. A Journey of Self-Belief Elle’s story is about trusting herself and making choices that aligned with her beliefs.

Elle Macpherson’s story is one of courage, self-belief, and unwavering commitment to her own path to health. Although her choices may be debatable, it’s clear that she walked her journey with confidence. As she releases her memoir “Elle: Life, Lessons, and Learning to Trust Yourself,” her story is a testament to the unique choices she made in the face of adversity.


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